Monday, August 6, 2007

Barack Obama - The Honeymoon is Over

Those of you that are married know all to well when the honeymoon is over and I don't mean getting back from your one week trip to a tropical island with your new spouse. The timing is different for everyone but you know when it is over. For me it was about 6 months into my marriage and my wife started yelling at me to get in the kitchen right now. I thought that something was terribly wrong. She said in a sharp tone, "how many times do I have to tell you to close the cabinets after you get something out of them." I was like are you kidding me. However, the look in her eyes told me that she was really angry and at that point I knew the honeymoon was over. The giddiness, the silly talk, and the sex had all started to diminish.

So it is with Barack Hussein Obama. He has been the media darling for the last 2 plus years. He has had several books written about him. He is a top tier candidate who has raised more money than the Clinton machine and what has he accomplished.....


Don't get me wrong he has been a successful student and has been able to be elected to Congress but based on what?

Well the flirting and fun is starting to end. We are seeing him without his "make up." He is starting to have "headaches" instead of jumping into bed for passionate love making. More clearly he is starting to reveal to the world who he really is, and that is an inexperienced novice who is ill-prepared to run this country.

In one week he has said that he would be willing to sit down and have face to face talks with enemies and tyrants like Castro and Chavez. He would probably go to Osama's cave and chat it up if he could find him. Too bad Saddam is already dead. Or maybe he could transport back in time and play chess with Hitler and shoot the crap with Stalin. I am a young guy who doesn't have the sense to shut a kitchen cabinet after getting a plate out but I have the since not to have direct chats with dictators.

And then...

He tries to pretend that he is not a wimp by saying he would unilaterally invade our ally Pakistan if they don't do more to root out terrorists!!!! Mitt Romney put it best when he said in a recent debate, "He went from Jane Fonda to Dr. StrangeLove in one week." I got an idea how about you bomb our ally England if they don't allow more Muggles into Hogwarts, or bomb Australia if they don't make Crocodile Dundee 4.

This is just the beginning of his gross incompetence, ivory towering, and inability to live in reality. I guess it is just the professor in him.

So if you were undecided about this media darling, beware! It's not to late to take the ring back and wait for a more suitable candidate. It will save you trouble down the road and for heaven sakes men close the kitchen cabinets.

Jared the Great
Young and Conservative


Tyler Jorgenson said...

You make some good point my young and conservative colleague. Have that wife that likes a tidy apartment spell check your posts in the future. Keep up the solid posts.

JaredTheGreat said...

Yeah she pointed some out to me.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.